Jeep Cherokee (KL): Fluids, lubricants, and genuine parts


Component Fluid, Lubricant, or Genuine Part
Engine Coolant We recommend you use MOPAR Antifreeze/Coolant 10 Year/150,000 Mile Formula OAT (Organic Additive Technology) or equivalent meeting the requirements of FCA Standard MS.90032.
Engine Oil - 2.4L Engine We recommend you use SAE 0W-20 API Certified Engine Oil, meeting the requirements of FCA US Material Standard MS-6395 such as MOPAR, Pennzoil, and Shell Helix. Refer to your engine oil filler cap for correct SAE grade.
Engine Oil - 3.2L Engine We recommend you use API Certified SAE 5W-20 Engine Oil, meeting the requirements of FCA US Material Standard MS-6395 such as MOPAR, Pennzoil, and Shell Helix. Refer to your engine oil filler cap for correct SAE grade.
Engine Oil Filter We recommend you use a MOPAR Engine Oil Filter.
Spark Plugs We recommend you use MOPAR Spark Plugs.
Fuel Selection - 2.4L Flex Fuel (E-85) Engines 87 Octane, Up To 85% Ethanol
Fuel Selection - 2.4L and 3.2L Engines 87 Octane, 0-15% Ethanol.


  • Mixing of engine coolant (antifreeze) other than specified Organic Additive Technology (OAT) engine coolant (antifreeze), may result in engine damage and may decrease corrosion protection.

    Organic Additive Technology (OAT) engine coolant is different and should not be mixed with Hybrid Organic Additive Technology (HOAT) engine coolant (antifreeze) or any "globally compatible" coolant (antifreeze). If a non-OAT engine coolant (antifreeze) is introduced into the cooling system in an emergency, the cooling system will need to be drained, flushed, and refilled with fresh OAT coolant (conforming to MS.90032), by an authorized dealer as soon as possible.

  • Do not use water alone or alcohol-based engine coolant (antifreeze) products. Do not use additional rust inhibitors or antirust products, as they may not be compatible with the radiator engine coolant and may plug the radiator.
  • This vehicle has not been designed for use with propylene glycol-based engine coolant (antifreeze).

    Use of propylene glycol-based engine coolant (antifreeze) is not recommended.


Component Fluid, Lubricant, or Genuine Part
Automatic Transmission Use only MOPAR ZF 8&9 Speed ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid, or equivalent.

Failure to use the correct fluid may affect the function or performance of your transmission.

Brake Master Cylinder We recommend you use MOPAR DOT 3 Brake Fluid, SAE J1703 should be used. If DOT 3, SAE J1703 brake fluid is not available, then DOT 4 is acceptable. Use only recommended brake fluids.

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