Jeep Cherokee (XJ): Ignition system
Jeep Cherokee (XJ) 1984 - 2001 Service Manual > Ignition system
- Description and operation
- Diagnosis and testing
- Removal and installation
- Spark plug cables. Spark plugs. Ignition coil-2.5L engine
- Ignition coil-4.0L engine. Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor. Camshaft position sensor-2.5L engine
- Camshaft position sensor-4.0L engine
- Distributor-2.5L engine
- Ignition switch and key cylinder
- Shifter/ignition interlock
- Specifications
Generator ratings
Torque chart
Right Hand Drive= RHD, Left Hand Drive= LHD.
Description Torque
Generator Mounting Bolt-LHD-2.5L/4.0L
Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
Ignition system
Two different ignition systems are used. One type
is used for the 2.5L 4-cylinder engine. The other is
used for the 4.0L 6-cylinder engine.
2.5L 4-Cylinder E ...
Other materials:
Five volt sensor supplies-primary
and secondary. Fuel level sensor-pcm input. Engine coolant temperature
sensor-pcm input
Five volt sensor supplies-primary
and secondary
Two different Powertrain Control Module (PCM)
five volt supply circuits are used; primary and secondary.
These 2 circuits will:
supply the required 5 volt power source to the
Crankshaft Position (CKP) sensor.
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